Happy Bees, Naturally
"Horizontal Hives, free easy DIY plans, and Natural/Treatment-Free Beekeeping Education"
Brian Lox, Branch Manager
Dadant & Sons
W2763 East Gate Dr
Watertown WI 53094
Heritage Honeybee is your one stop shop for seasonal package bees, 5-frame nucs, queens, and beekeeping equipment. We offer products to assist anyone from hobbyists to sideliners to commercial beekeepers!
Lee Heine Advancement In Apiculture Scholarship Sponsorship Sponsor
Honeybee Feed Supplements
We spread the Gospel of Abundance as taught by the bees...
through advocacy, education,
products and practice
BL Plastic Honey Containers
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
State Of Wisconsin Honey Bee Inspectors
East Troy Honey, Honey Containers, East Troy WI William Palmer
Ph (262)642-9406
Will have 8 oz classic glass, 1 Lb classic glass, 2 Lb classic glass
4 Lb Queenline, 5Lb round, 1 pint mason jars & 8 oz straight sided creamed honey jars
Peg DeSanto
Cofounder, Bee the Change LLC
PH# 612-868-8532
Hive Tech Solutions offers cutting-edge technology to ensure the safe storage and transport of honeybees
Michael Bush
Michael will have several of the books he has written on beekeeping available to purchase.
Coffee Bean Infused Honeys
Habanero Infused Honeys
Cerenity Blue CBD Infused Honeys
Natures Image Farm
Pollinator Fun
“I Spy with all Five Eyes” is part of the Michigan Beekeepers Association’s quest to build the buzz about pollinators. They’ll have copies and cases available for purchase, and information about custom runs for your organization’s outreach.
Project Apis m.
Driving Science and Delivering Innovation for Healthy Bees & Bee Businesses
The Hive Mind
Tuff Shed
Vita Bee Health: the world’s largest dedicated honeybee health company
Vita Bee Health researches, develops, manufactures and markets a range of honeybee health treatments and products worldwide.
The Waterford Bee Co. is dedicated to creating quality products to improve the lives of our customers and support the health and vitality of our pollinators and their habitat.
Whether you’re a beekeeper, thinking of becoming one, looking to buy local honey,
or just curious about the importance of bees in our ecosystem, the Wisconsin Honey Producers Association is here for you!